Premium quality fine linen, aida, and lugana from Zweigart for embroidery projects that last for generations.
Precut packs. Made in Germany.
All embroidery is based on needlework fabrics, upon which any desired embroidery technique can be worked. Needlework fabrics have a clear surface structure and the warp and weft thread count is always exactly the same. Nearly all Zweigart needlework fabrics have a firm finish, making it easy to embroider without a frame. The fabrics get softer after being washed.
The most important feature of ZWEIGART® needlework fabric is its outstanding countability, which is achieved by high-precision weaving. This is especially important for cross-stitch motifs. Embroidery on needlework fabrics often involves counting. The embroidery is done over one to two threads of the weave.
The Zweigart trademark is the “Orange Line”. There is an orange coloured thread woven into the selvedge of all ZWEIGART® fabrics. This is the proof of Zweigart best quality fabrics that are colourfast, easy-care and precisely woven. The orange line says ZWEiGART® Made in Germany.
3604.100 Zweigart Dublin Linen precut
50 x 69cm
Precut Belfast Linen from Zweigart,
white 3609.100
Precut Belfast Linen from Zweigart,
Ecru 3609.222
34 x 48cm
Precut Lugana
25ct/10st 48 x 68cm
3835.18 gold fleck 25ct
Precut Lugana
25ct/10st 48 x 68cm
3835.5045 25ct antique violet
Precut Lugana
25ct/10st 48 x 68cm
White Lugana 25ct smokey white
Precut Lugana
25ct/10st 48 x 68cm
3835.101 antique white
antique white Lugana 25ct
100% cotton
31 x 31cm piece
Printed with water soluble Sashiko pattern
Precut Lugana
25ct/10st 48 x 68cm
3835.3009 25ct light mocha
Precut Lugana
25ct/10st 48 x 68cm
3835.7139 25ct vintage marble
Precut Belfast Linen from Zweigart,
vintage 3609.2349
100% linen fabric
32ct/12.6ST 48 x68cm
Precut Belfast Linen from Zweigart,
linen flax 3609.52
100% linen fabric
32ct/12.6ST 48 x68cm
Our range of counted cross stitch kits, and charts includes designs from brands like DMC, Country Threads, Caronie, and Make It . You will find Australian animal and bird designs, floral cross stitch designs, Australian cross stitched landscapes, and childhood or birth celebration designs. Some of our cross stitch charts can be downloaded after purchase